SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) - Owners of signature companies that helped the One Washington Equality Campaign initiative get to the legislature are suing the effort’s sponsors, claiming they have not been paid.
The Spokesman-Review[1] of Spokane reports the One Washington Equality Campaign owes more than $1 million to companies it hired.
Signature companies usually are paid up front. They agreed to a promissory note for the campaign to change Washington’s affirmative action laws.
The Washington legislature passed the initiative but opponents forced the law onto the ballot with Referendum 88.
A new organization, the Washington Fairness Coalition, is backing the initiative’s goals with support from the Labor Council and others.
Labor Council communications director David Groves says the coalition is separate from One Washington and doesn’t owe signature companies any money.
Information from: The Spokesman-Review, http://www.spokesman.com
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