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SKOPJE, North Macedonia (AP) - Lawmakers in North Macedonia have dismissed a special prosecutor tasked with investigating high-level corruption who herself has been detained under suspicion of involvement in a high-profile graft scandal.

All 102 lawmakers present at the session in the 120-member parliament voted Saturday to relieve Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva[1] of her post.

Janeva[2]’s office was created in 2015 as part of a crackdown on organized crime and corruption under the country’s bid to join the European Union.

Although not yet formally charged, Janeva[3] is accused of abusing her authority and “gaining substantial benefit” in the form of property from her alleged involvement in an extortion scandal to drop corruption charges against a local businessman in exchange for payment.

Janeva[4], who has been in custody since August, has denied wrongdoing.

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