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Former Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that the economy is “collapsing” under President Trump.

The 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner was speaking to reporters in Detroit following a rocky debate performance Wednesday night where he was repeatedly confronted about the Obama administration under which he served, including its policies on health care and illegal immigration.

Mr. Biden said Thursday that the comparisons of Mr. Trump’s policies at the U.S.-Mexico border to former President Barack Obama’s are “bizarre” and untrue. He also said it was Republican policies that ran the economy into the ditch during the Great Recession and that Mr. Trump stands to do the same.

“The world has changed,” the former vice president told reporters, according to a clip highlighted[1] by the Washington Free Beacon. “President Trump has turned it upside down internationally. He has turned it upside down economically. People are hurting badly. There’s no response.

“We faced a different problem 10 years ago when the economy collapsed because of Republican policies,” he added. “Now we face a problem that the economy, as well as the soul of this country, is collapsing because of this presidency.”


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