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WEST CHESTER, Pa. (AP) - A neighbor has been convicted of first-degree murder in the shooting death of a Republican official outside Philadelphia almost two years ago.

Jurors in Chester County deliberated for almost 10 hours Thursday before convicting 53-year-old Clayton Carter III[1] of West Goshen Township.

Carter[2] now faces a mandatory life term without possibility of parole in the August 2017 shooting death of 51-year-old Brooks Jennings in August 2017.

Defense attorney Joseph Green argued that Jennings repeatedly provoked Carter[3] to try to get him to move out. But prosecutors said Carter[4] brought a gun to their confrontation as well as a knife to plant on the victim.

Carter[5] was a GOP committeeman and the defendant’s yard had anti-Trump signs, but prosecutors said they didn’t think politics was a factor.

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