Fox News announced Wednesday Sen. Amy Klobuchar as the next Democratic presidential candidate to speak in their own Fox News town hall following the success of Sen. Bernard Sanders town hall Monday.
“FOX News Channel continues to produce highly informative and respectful town hall events, delivering record viewership and providing a platform to all candidates. We are incredibly proud of the entire team and look forward to hosting Senator Klobuchar for our next town hall,” Executive Editor Jay Wallace said[1] in the announcement.
The event will be held on Wednesday, May 8th and will be filmed in Milwaukee.
Mr. Sanders’ town hall in Bethlehem, Pa., was the most-watched[2] town hall of the 2020 presidential election so far, raking in nearly 2.6 million views.
A spokesperson for South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s campaign announced they were also in discussions with Fox News to hold a town hall.
Mr. Sanders’s town hall came a month after Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez ...
rejected[3] Fox News from hosting any of the party’s primary debates, citing reporting of Fox News and Mr. Trump’s “inappropriate relationship” preventing them from providing a “fair and neutral debate for our candidates.”