Still sore over losing it in 2016, President Trump[1] openly courted the state of Minnesota ahead of his reelection bid, saying he’s allowed industry to tap into natural resources in Superior National Forest and will bolster the steel industry.
“This has been a very special state,” Mr. Trump[2] said at Nuss Truck and Equipment in Burnsville, Minnesota.
He said unemployment is at 3.1 percent, and jobless claims are way down, as the mining and logging industries regain their footing.
He said business applications are up and he said Minnesotans are saving $5 billion in their tax bills due to the GOP reforms, he said.
The upper Midwest is key to Mr. Trump[3]’s electoral fortunes. He was able to win Ohio, Wisconsin and Michigan in his 2016 Electoral College victory, though fell short in Minnesota, 46 percent to 44.5 percent.
Mr. Trump[4] has inflamed a fight with Rep. Ilhan Omar, Minnesota Democrat, who’s been criticized for comments on the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and remarks that were viewed by some as anti-Semitic.
Ms. Omar’s supporters say ...
Mr. Trump[5]’s rhetoric is dangerous and has led to threats against the congresswoman.