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Sixty-seven percent of Americans believe the wealthy are unevenly favored in college admissions, according to a Suffolk University-USA Today poll released Wednesday.

“Respondents in the poll are saying money talks, and they don’t like it,” David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk Political Research Center, said in a statement. “Across all demographics, Americans find college admissions unfairly favor the wealthy and the well connected.”

Nearly 70 percent of respondents said college admissions are generally unfair.

Over 80 percent of voters polled believe family member donations to a university should not be considered in prospective student admissions.

The opposition to preferential treatment extends beyond just the wealthy.

Over 60 percent of respondents said that there shouldn’t be special consideration for either student-athletes or legacy students.

The poll comes in the days following a Justice Department investigation alleging parents were paying for their children to be recruited to top universities as elite athletes and doctoring college test exams. It led to 50 indictments and reports of a Department of Education investigation....

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