President Trump cheered a new report that found he was not on the other end of Donald Trump Jr.’s phone calls during the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting between campaign officials and Russian.
“Just out: The big deal, very mysterious Don jr telephone calls, after the innocent Trump Tower meeting, that the media & Dems said were made to his father (me), were just conclusively found NOT to be made to me,” he tweeted. “They were made to friends & business associates of Don. Really sad!”
The article[1] originally came from CNN, which the president has often railed against as “fake news,” Thursday evening.
Unnamed sources told the network that the Senate Intelligence Committee had records that show the calls were made to two business associates, later reported by the New York Times and ABC News to be Nascar CEO Brain France and businessman Howard Lorber.
The blocked calls were often theorized to be between Mr. Trump and son, which prompted Democrats to call for further investigation into the phone records.
“This Witch Hunt must end!” Mr. Trump tweeted as he shared an article from The Daily Beast on CNN’s findings....