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WASHINGTON (AP) - WikiLeaks says it is seeking to force the Trump administration to unseal any charges in the U.S. filed against founder Julian Assange[1].

WikiLeaks says in a statement Wednesday that a legal challenge filed with the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights in Washington also asks Ecuador to protect Assange[2] from extradition to the U.S.

Assange[3] has been staying in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since 2012 under a grant of asylum and has long expressed fear of a U.S. prosecution.

U.S. prosecutors inadvertently mentioned charges under seal against Assange[4] in an unrelated case. The Associated Press has since reported that Assange[5] is indeed facing unspecified charges under seal.

WikiLeaks has facilitated the release of thousands of classified U.S. military and diplomatic cables.

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