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CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) - A nonprofit group suing for access to Wyoming state spending records says newly elected officials must provide certain remaining documents within the next 30 days.

Adam Andrzejewski with openthebooks.com said Friday he will name Wyoming’s new state auditor, Kristi Racines, in the lawsuit if he doesn’t get the records by then.

Wyoming officials appear agreeable to the ultimatum. Andrzejewski made it in a conference call during the first meeting of a state financial transparency group convened by Wyoming’s new governor, Mark Gordon.

Gordon and Racines are on the seven-person panel. Racines says the lawsuit prevents her from saying much publicly but she will work on not getting sued.

Openthebooks.com got some records from Wyoming’s previous state auditor but still seeks 18 months of spending and five years of vendor records.

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