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SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Outgoing U.S. Rep. Mia Love of Utah missed almost 84 percent of votes in the U.S. House since she lost her re-election in November.

The website GovTrack, which records lawmakers’ voting habits, shows the Republican congresswoman participated in only 14 of 85 votes since losing her race to Democrat Ben McAdams.

Love’s spokesman Richard Piatt told the Salt Lake Tribune that Love has been home with a sick child recently.

Other members of Utah’s U.S. House delegation had a slight spike in their absentee rates since the election but Utah’s Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch’s absentee rate dropped from missing about 3.3 percent before the election to 1.8 percent.

Utah’s other senator, Republican Mike Lee, did not miss any votes since the election.

He told the Tribune that “giving constituents as full a voting record as possible is essential for a functioning republic.”


Information from: The Salt Lake Tribune, http://www.sltrib.com

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