The Rev. Franklin Graham[1] has once again stepped up to support President Trump[2], fault the news media for hostile coverage and ask the nation to pray for the 45th president.
“President Trump[3] has to make very tough decisions — I wouldn’t want his job for anything. His decisions impact the lives of people abroad and here at home. It is so important that we continue to faithfully lift him and his administration up in prayer,” the evangelist and son of the late Billy Graham said in a Facebook post[4] on Wednesday.
“I’m tired of all the fighting in Washington. You can’t turn on the news or read the headlines online without being overwhelmed by all of the political squabbling, to put it mildly. The news media are so vicious and relentless in their fault finding and their attacks on the President. It’s just sickening. We have the potential for so much good and so much progress for our nation, but Washington is squandering it away over political agendas. I’m thankful that I have put my faith and trust in God who never grows weary and is never shut down, no matter what the problems are,” the pastor wrote.
In a follow-up Facebook post on Thursday, Mr. Graham[5] praised Mr. Trump[6] for his surprise visit with U.S. troops in Iraq.
“The last few days, the media has enjoyed criticizing him for staying ‘home alone’ at the White House. Well, surprise, surprise — he and First Lady Melania Trump[7] went to Iraq. Yes, the president was in Washington working while most other politicians had gone home for the Christmas holidays. The media doesn’t want to acknowledge anything positive. They’re just out for another negative Trump[8] headline,” he noted.
Mr. Graham[9] previously asked Americans to pray for Mr. Trump[10] during the 2016 presidential election, during the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and again during the midterm elections.