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DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - Syria[1]’s state news agency is reporting that a top aide to President Bashar Assad[2] has visited Egypt[3] to discuss political and security issues, including efforts to combat terrorism.

Syria[4]’s news agency SANA said Sunday National Security chief Maj. Gen. Ali Mamlouk traveled to Egypt[5] a day earlier at the invitation of Egyptian intelligence chief.

This is not Mamlouk’s first public visit to Egypt[6]. During another publicized trip in 2016, Mamlouk and Egyptian intelligence officers agreed to coordinate political positions and strengthen cooperation in fighting terrorism.

Syria[7] has been expelled from the 22-member Arab League and boycotted by its neighbors since its civil war erupted in 2011. But Egypt[8] has maintained security contacts with Assad[9]’s government throughout, negotiating limited conciliation deals between Syrian armed groups and the Syrian government.

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