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SALEM, Ore. (AP) - Oregon Gov. Kate Brown[1] has been cleared of an ethics complaint.

The Statesman Journal reports that the Oregon Government Ethics Commission has dismissed a complaint filed by Bill Currier, chair of the Oregon Republican Party, on Oct. 10. Currier alleged that Brown[2], a Democrat, may have tried to use her official position to avoid personal and campaign expenses.

The commission concluded that the travel expenses Currier questioned were made by Brown’s Oregon State Police security detail, which protects her whatever she’s doing. It also said there was nothing wrong with her attending campaign events while on official government trips.

Furthermore, the committee said Brown[3] promptly reimbursed the state for two personal purchase made with her state-issued credit card, so there was no wrongdoing there, either.

The commission dismissed the complaint last week after its staff recommended in November that it should be dismissed in its entirety.


Information from: Statesman Journal, http://www.statesmanjournal.com

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