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SAN DIEGO (AP) - The Latest on corruption charges against U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter[1], a California Republican (all times local):

10 a.m.

A judge in California has scheduled a Sept. 10 trial date for indicted Congressman Duncan Hunter[2] and his wife on corruption charges.

The Republican lawmaker and his wife, Margaret Hunter, have pleaded not guilty to a 60-count indictment alleging they spent more than $250,000 in campaign finance funds on family trips, tequila shots and other personal expenses.

Attorneys for all sides told U.S. District Judge Thomas Whelan in San Diego on Monday that they expected the trial to last three weeks.

It was Hunter[3]’s first court appearance since defeating first-time Democratic contender Ammar Campa-Najjar in a bitterly fought race last month to hold on to his seat in a region covering much of eastern San Diego County.


9:20 a.m.

Indicted Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter[4] is returning to court for the first time since being re-elected to a sixth term amid corruption charges.

The California congressman and is wife have pleaded not guilty to a 60-count indictment alleging they spent more than $250,000 in campaign finance funds on everything from family trips to tequila shots.

The judge could set a trial date at the hearing in San Diego on Monday morning.

Hunter[5] beat first-time Democratic contender Ammar Campa-Najjar in a bitterly fought race last month to hold on to his seat in a region covering much of inland San Diego County.

Hunter[6] had been expected to easily win before the indictment.

The former Marine has said he is looking forward to the trial to defend his name.

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