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SEATTLE (AP) - Turnout in Washington state’s election was about just 1,101 votes shy of setting a midterm record.

Following certification this week of results from the Nov. 6 election, the secretary of state’s office says that 71.83 percent of registered voters returned their ballots. The state’s midterm high mark of was set in 1970, which saw 71.85 percent voter turnout.

This month’s turnout did beat the 2010 midterms, which saw just over 71 percent. And it was far higher than the 54 percent turnout in the last midterm in 2014, The Seattle Times reports .

Voter participation was highest in San Juan County, at nearly 84 percent. Yakima County had the lowest turnout, at about 62 percent. Turnout in King County reached nearly 75 percent of registered voters.


Information from: The Seattle Times, http://www.seattletimes.com

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