In this April 9, 2018, file photo, National Security Adviser John Bolton listens as President Donald Trump speaks during a Cabinet meeting at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

National Security Adviser John R. Bolton said Wednesday that the next steps regarding the Iran nuclear deal are already being implemented after President Trump officially withdrew the U.S. from the agreement.

“I think plan B is already being implemented. When the president signed the decision memorandum yesterday, he began the process to put very strict U.S. sanctions back into effect that’ll have a significant ripple effect on Iran’s economy,” Mr. Bolton said on CBS News.

The nuclear agreement, constructed under the Obama administration, lifted sanctions on Iran in exchange for its assurances that it would halt its nuclear production and allow international inspectors to monitor its activities. Mr. Trump has long said he planned to pull the U.S. out of the agreement unless major changes were made. He officially made the decision to withdraw on Tuesday....

“I think it demonstrates that we’re not going to rely on paper promises. We’re going to rely on real performance to stop Iran from getting deliverable nuclear weapons,” Mr. Bolton said.

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