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ROCKY HILL, Conn. (AP) - President Donald Trump has played a feature roll in the first and only debate in Connecticut’s U.S. Senate race.

Republican small businessman Matt Corey on Friday repeatedly praised his fellow Republican, arguing the state’s small businesses are benefiting from Trump’s economic policies. Democratic U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, however, says the president has been a disaster for the state, pointing to Trump’s tax plan that curbs the federal tax deduction for state and local taxes. He says it will cost Connecticut taxpayers $1 billion.

The half-hour match-up was taped at WFSB-TV Channel 3’s studios in Rocky Hill on Friday. It will air Sunday on the “Face the State” program at 8:30 a.m.

Murphy, who is seeking a second six-year term, has vastly out-fundraised Corey, who owns a high-rise window washing business.

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