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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) - Republican Wendy Rogers[1] proudly proclaims she’ll support President Donald Trump’s agenda if elected to represent Arizona’s vast 1st Congressional District.

Democratic incumbent Tom O’Halleran says he’s less concerned with politics than policy.

The district was drawn to be competitive but has been reliably Democrat since 2012.

A win for Rogers[2] on Nov. 6 would make it harder for Democrats to win control of the House. It also would counter a potential Democratic pickup in Arizona’s 2nd District.

The 1st District takes in the state’s high country, low desert and tribal land.

O’Halleran says political gridlock has kept Congress from addressing education, the economy and immigration.

Rogers[3] says she’ll work to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, cut taxes and reduce federal overreach.

Independent David Shock is the write-in candidate.

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