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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - A state ethics investigation of Florida Democratic nominee for governor Andrew Gillum[1] won’t be wrapped up before Election Day.

The Tallahassee mayor is the target of a complaint alleging he did not pay for expenses related to trips to Costa Rica[2] and New York City. A businessman who filed the complaint against Gillum[3] said Florida’s ethics commission has confirmed to him they will not resolve the case before Nov. 6.

The inquiry is separate but related to an ongoing FBI investigation into city government.

Republicans have hammered Gillum[4] over the ethics probe and the FBI investigation.

He forcefully denied any wrongdoing during Sunday’s against Republican Ron DeSantis even as DeSantis repeatedly asked who paid for

Gillum[5]’s ticket to a Broadway show and for the Costa Rica[6] trip.

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