Brace yourselves for a gusher of leaks: The FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh could reach Congress today or tomorrow, with a final vote on his nomination this weekend.
Why it matters: This report won't be made public, but expect Republicans to leak areas where the FBI didn't find evidence of an assault, and Democrats to leak areas where investigators found new dirt or desired more time.
What we're watching: How Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) emerge after their turns reading the forthcoming FBI summary.
What they're saying: All three blasted Trump for mocking Christine Blasey Ford:
- Collins: “The president’s comments were just plain wrong."
- Murkowski: "[W]holly inappropriate."
- Flake: "I wish he hadn't of done it and I just say it's kind of appalling."
The other side... Lindsey Graham says Kavanaugh is the "defining issue" of 2018:
- "Whether you’re a Trump Republican, a Bush Republican, a McCain Republican, a libertarian or a vegetarian — you’re pissed. I’ve never seen the Republican Party so unified as I do right now."
The bottom line: Not a single Republican has preemptively announced he or she will vote no.
Be smart: This has been incredibly ugly, and even if it ends soon, don't expect the divisions it has exposed and exacerbated to go away.
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