U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, right, arrives for an arraignment hearing Thursday, Aug. 23, 2018, in San Diego. Hunter and his wife were indicted Tuesday on federal charges that they used more than $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses that ranged from groceries to golf trips and lied about it in federal filings, prosecutors said. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

SAN DIEGO (AP) - The Latest on the indictment of U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter[1] and his wife (all times local):

10:53 a.m.

U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter[2] and his wife Margaret have pleaded not guilty in San Diego[3] to charges they illegally used his campaign account for personal expenses.

The California Republican and his wife entered their pleas Thursday morning in federal court.

Prosecutors said bond could be set low because the Hunters are living paycheck to paycheck.

Bail was set at $15,000 for the congressman and at $10,000 for his wife.

An indictment alleges they used more than $250,000 to finance family trips to Italy and Hawaii, golf outings, school tuition, theater tickets and even fast food purchases.

Hunter[4] easily finished first in a June primary and established himself as a strong favorite to hold onto California’s 50th Congressional District in San Diego[5] and Riverside counties.


7:26 a.m.U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter[6] and his wife Margaret face arraignment in San Diego[7] on charges they illegally used his campaign account for personal expenses.The California Republican and his wife are due in federal court Thursday morning to answer to an indictment alleging they used more than $250,000 to finance family trips to Italy and Hawaii, golf outings, school tuition, theater tickets and even fast food purchases.The indictment alleges they attempted to conceal the illegal spending in federal records.Before the charges were announced, Hunter[8] easily finished first in a June primary and established himself as a strong favorite to hold onto California’s 50th Congressional District in San Diego[9] and Riverside counties.Hunter[10]’s attorney, Gregory A. Vega, claims there was political pressure to tarnish Hunter[11] before the general election.

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