Groups protest in Freedom Plaza with the U.S. Capitol in the background, on the one year anniversary of Charlottesville's

A park across the street from the White House is already filling up with people who oppose a white nationalist demonstration that is scheduled to take place later Sunday.

The white nationalists are gathering in Washington on the first anniversary of their rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that turned violent and led to the death of a counterprotester.

A stage has been set up in Lafayette Park and rap music is playing for a crowd of about 300, many of whom are carrying signs saying “Shut down white supremacy.”

Uniformed police officers and a line of police barricades have cut the park in half, restricting the counterprotesters to the northern half, farthest from the White House.

A counterprotest organizer, speaking from the stage, said: “We will be here until these fascist forces are gone, however long that takes.”

The white supremacist rally is scheduled to end at 7:30 p.m. SEE ALSO: Riot gear sparks anger at U.Va.: ‘Last year they came w/ torches. This year they come w/badges’ [1]

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