BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - Romania’s justice minister says four prosecutors have applied for the post of chief anti-corruption prosecutor, a prestigious yet highly scrutinized job.

Former anti-graft chief Laura Codruta Kovesi was dismissed on July 9 amid government allegations of incompetence and mismanagement. She has rejected the accusations.

The ruling Social Democratic Party has often criticized the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, claiming it unfairly targets politicians. Yet under Kovesi’s leadership the agency won praise from the European Union, the U.S. and ordinary Romanians.

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader on Tuesday declined to speculate if any of the candidates would be selected, suggesting the government could extend the hiring process. Two are anti-corruption prosecutors, while the other two work for the general prosecutor’s office.

Toader will put forward a candidate for President Klaus Iohannis to approve. Iohannis supports the anti-graft fight.

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