HOUSTON (AP) - A digital forensic expert says a GPS device owned by a Jordanian-born man on trial for capital murder places him at the same time and place of a 2012 Texas slaying.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Christian Mammarella testified Thursday before the prosecution rested in Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan[1]’s trial. Mammarella said GPS data shows Irsan[2] traveled to the Houston-area home and workplaces of his Christian son-in-law, Coty Beavers, dozens of times before he was shot to death.

Irsan[3]’s attorneys say GPS presence at a crime scene doesn’t prove Irsan[4] was physically there.

Irsan[5] is also accused of killing Iranian women’s rights activist Gelareh Bagherzadeh, who encouraged his daughter to marry Beavers.

Irsan[6]’s wife testified that her conservative Muslim husband believed he had to kill Beavers to recover his honor.

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