NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (AP) - Taxation without representation?

The resignation of state Sen. Stanley Rosenberg will leave more than 40,000 residents of Northampton and the small town of Hatfield with no representation in the Legislature for the remainder of 2018.

Rep. Peter Kocut (KOH’-cut), who represented the communities in the House, died in February.

Rosenberg is resigning, effective 5 p.m. Friday, after an ethics report concluded that as president he failed to protect the Senate from his husband, Bryon Hefner, who faces sexual misconduct charges.

It’s too late for special elections to be held in the districts.

The Daily Hampshire Gazette reports that Northampton Mayor David Narkewicz is asking state officials to extend a signature filing deadline so more candidates can compete for Rosenberg’s seat. Only one, a Democrat, filed signatures before the May 1 deadline.

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