In this photo released by the Ministry of Communications and Information of Singapore, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, center left, is greeted by Singapore Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan at the Changi International Airport, Sunday, June 10, 2018, in Singapore, ahead of a summit with U.S. President Donald Trump. (Ministry of Communications and Information Singapore via AP)

SINGAPORE[1] — North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un arrived at this island city-state Sunday ahead of a historic summit with President Trump[2], bringing with him a extensive security force and a private food supply.

Mr. Kim[3] was greeted at the airport by Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan, who tweeted a photo of the welcoming.

After arriving in a Chinese jet, Mr. Kim[4] traveled in a long motorcade though the city to the luxurious St. Regis Hotel that will serve as Mr. Kim[5]’s base during the summit.

Mr. Trump[6] was en route to Singapore[7] and expected to arrive later Sunday.

“I am on my way to Singapore[8] where we have a chance to achieve a truly wonderful result for North Korea and the World,” Mr. Trump[9] tweeted from Air Force One. “It will certainly be an exciting day and I know that Kim Jong-un will work very hard to do something that has rarely been done before … Create peace and great prosperity for his land.”

Mr. Trump[10] added, “I look forward to meeting him and have a feeling that this one-time opportunity will not be wasted!”

SEE ALSO: Iran, spurned by Trump, angrily watches North Korea talks [11]

The two leaders will meet Tuesday to broker a deal for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. Mr. Trump[12] is offering security assurances and economic incentives, as well as an end to the 65-year-old standoff between the U.S. and North Korea.

It will be the first time a U.S. president meets face to face with a North Korean leader.

It’s also a rare journey outside of North Korea for Mr. Kim[13]. Since assuming the role of supreme leader in 2011, he has only left the county to visit China and, recently, South Korea....

Mr. Trump[14] is expected to stay at the Shangri-La Hotel, which is a top choice for visiting dignitaries and high-level diplomatic events.The St. Regis and the Shangri-La are located near each other in the upscale Orchard Road shopping district in downtown Singapore[15].Mr. Trump[16] and Mr. Kim[17] will meet each other for the summit at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa Island off Singapores southern coast.Singapore[18] designated a special security zone that includes the city center and Sentosa Island.Roadblocks, vehicle checkpoints and heavily-armed police surrounded the St. Regis. Dozens of Singapore police officers were sweeping though the St. Regis in the hours before Mr. Kim[19] arrived.Mr. Kim[20] brought his own security detail, armored vehicles and a private store of food.A Russian-made cargo plane carrying supplies for Mr. Kim[21] and his entourage arrived shortly

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