MIAMI (AP) - The millionaire owner of a towing-and-scrap-yard business and his son pleaded guilty to bribing a South Florida politician in a wide-ranging corruption scandal.

Raul Sosa Sr., often called “the junkyard millionaire,” and his son, Raul Sosa Jr., pleaded guilty Wednesday to paying $10,000 to then-Opa-Locka Commissioner Luis Santiago and lobbyist Dante Starks.

The Miami Herald reports that the bribery was arranged after the city of Opa-Locka sought bids from towing contracts in 2015.

Sentencing is scheduled for August.

Earlier this year, Santiago was sentenced to four years and three months in prison following a wide-ranging corruption investigation by the FBI.

So far, six defendants have pleaded guilty to bribery conspiracy in the case.

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